Launched in 2016, the OurSolar program includes solar arrays across the state that are producing renewable energy for members of Ohio's electric cooperatives. In 2022, as a result of co-op members' support of the program, OurSolar expanded with the addition of nearly 8,000 additional solar panels near Findlay, Ohio. Today, the total solar power generated by the OurSolar program is 4.76 megawatts.
Many of Ohio’s electric cooperatives offer subscriptions to this community solar project for those members interested in plugging in to the power of the sun. Not all cooperatives offer subscriptions, so please check with your local electric cooperative.
We believe in a balanced approach to energy production. While most of your electricity will continue to be produced by our baseload power plants with state-of-the-art environmental controls, the addition of OurSolar reflects our continued commitment and investment to incorporate innovative ways to produce power and ensure a balanced approach toward energy production and generation.
Electricity generated to date: 24,699,677.69 kWh.
of CO2 emissions offset to date1,953,867.33
Gallons of gasoline consumed41,989,048.65
Miles driven a year39,392.27
Barrels of oil consumed18,277,442.04
Pounds of coal burned24,699,677.69
kWh of electricity generated219,940.75
Lights powered for a year123,497,647.47
Hours powering a 200w 42" LCD TV15,100.42
Years powering a 400w Refrigerator- 1 North Western Electric Cooperative
- 2 Tricounty Rural Electric Cooperative
- 3 Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative
- 4 Hancock-Wood Electric Cooperative
- 5 North Central Electric Cooperative
- 6 Firelands Electric Cooperative
- 7 Lorain-Medina Rural Electric Cooperative
- 8 Midwest Electric
- 9 Mid-Ohio Energy Cooperative
- 10 Darke Rural Electric Cooperative
- 11 Pioneer Electric Cooperative
- 12 Logan County Electric Cooperative
- 13 Union Rural Electric Cooperative
- 14 Consolidated Cooperative
- 15 Holmes-Wayne Electric Cooperative
- 16 Carroll Electric Cooperative
- 17 The Frontier Power Company
- 18 The Energy Cooperative
- 19 Guernsey-Muskingum Electric Cooperative
- 20 South Central Power Company
- 21 Washington Electric Cooperative
- 22 Butler Rural Electric Cooperative
- 23 Adams Rural Electric Cooperative
- 24 Buckeye Rural Electric Cooperative
- 25 Midwest Energy & Communications