2025 Louise Freeland and OLSA Scholarship Winners Announced

Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives awarded nine high school seniors for exceptional academic achievement in the Louise Freeland and Ohio Line Supervisors Association (OLSA) scholarship competitions, held on March 6, 2025.

Two panels of independent judges reviewed the applications and interviewed the students before determining the winners.

Louise Freeland Scholarships

Named in honor of a long-time employee of Ohio's Rural Electric Cooperatives, the Louise Freeland Scholarships are awarded annually to children of electric cooperative employees and trustees.

Josann Frizzell, Garrett Shepherd, Karis Beineke, Haliey Nash, Addison Huff and Miah Cheney were awarded $3,000 Freeland scholarships.

Josann Frizell, the daughter of Charles Frizzell and Chris Mehler, is a"2025 scholarship winners" senior at Wheeling Central Catholic High School.

Garrett Shepherd, Tabitha and David Shepherd’s s son, is a senior at New London High School.

Karis Beineke, Paul and Cheryl Beineke’s daughter, is a senior at River Valley High School.

Hailey Nash, Jeremy and Kristina Nash’s daughter, is a senior at Graham.

Addison Huff, Brian and Heather Huff’s daughter, is a senior at Hillsboro High School.

Miah Cheney, Marsha and Kevin Fausnaugh’s daughter, is a senior at Fairbanks High School.


Ohio Line Supervisors Association Scholarships

Landry Knore, Katelyn Wynkoop, and Payton Dudzik were awarded first, second, and third place, respectively, in the OLSA Scholarship competition.

OLSA is an association of the line supervisors of 25 electric cooperatives in Ohio and West Virginia, affiliated with Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives.

Landry Knore, winner of the $3,500 first-place scholarship, is a senior at Versailles High School. 

Katelyn Wynkoop, winner of the $2,500 second-place scholarship, is a senior at Bloom-Carroll High School.

Payton Dudzik, winner of the $2,000 third-place scholarship, is a senior at Barnesville High School.

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