PacifiCorp's Huntington Coal Plant (PC:
PacifiCorp, a multi-state utility holding company that operates in the Pacific Northwest and owned by Warren Buffett, has proposed an updated, systemwide integrated plan (IRP) that would extend the life of two of its coal-fired power plants, marking a rather dramatic shift back from the ambitious 20-year energy transition strategy it submitted to the Public Service Commission in 2023.
Key changes in the company’s plan include keeping fossil-fueled plants operating for more than a decade longer, a reduction in its originally proposed solar and energy storage expansion, and an increase in wind power. Another key change is PacifiCorp’s addition of gas-peaking capacity, which offsets the reduction in other renewable generation sources.
Limited battery supplies and recent developments in the EPA’s ‘good neighbor’ rule were key drivers in PacifiCorp’s change in course. The good neighbor rule is aimed at limiting emissions from power plants and has received significant criticism from industry groups that say the rule is costly and ineffective.
“PacifiCorp’s long-range planning provides a framework for future actions the company anticipates will be needed to provide the reliable and essential electric service our customers expect and deserve,” PacifiCorp’s Senior Vice President of Resource Planning Rick Link said in a statement. The company’s 2025 resource plan will inform the next steps for “incremental resource acquisition.”