August 8 Special Election

In May, the Ohio Legislature voted to allow a special election, scheduled for August 8, 2023. Included in the special election is a constitutional amendment, State Issue 1, which would require any future constitutional amendments to receive 60% approval to amend the Ohio Constitution and require petition signatures from all 88 of Ohio's counties. For official ballot language, visit the Ohio Secretary of State's website.  

Important Special Election Dates:

  • Absentee voting by mail began: Tuesday, July 11
  • Absentee ballots must be postmarked by Monday, August 7
  • Election Day: Tuesday, August 8. Polls open from 6:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m.

Sharing upcoming election information with your members counts towards becoming a 5-Star Co-op. View all the activities on When you complete the 5-Star form, email Marisa for a special thank-you gift.

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