Downed tree in Consolidated Cooperative territory (Photo credit: Consolidated Cooperative).
Severe storms that occurred late on Monday, June 13, and into the early hours of Tuesday, June 14, have caused widespread outages across Ohio, including the territories of 22 of the state's 25 electric cooperatives. As always, we appreciate your patience as lineworker crews work around the clock to restore power. Please see below for regular updates on electric co-ops' power restoration efforts and click here to view the Ohio outage map as it's updated in real time.
FINAL UPDATE (9:00 a.m. 6/23/22) - As of yesterday evening, most mutual aid crews are on their way home or have already arrived home. In total, Ohio co-ops received mutual aid from 6 other states (plus West Virginia), 14 cooperatives, and 62 lineworkers. These include 34 Kentucky lineworkers, 14 Pennsylvania lineworkers, 10 Virginia lineworkers, 2 Indiana lineworkers, 2 Michigan lineworkers, and, between Ohio and West Virginia, 67 total lineworkers were sent to support co-ops in need. Nearly 13,000 hours of mutual aid assistance was completed during that time between all crews. Many Ohio co-ops were hit hard by the storm and still gave crews to co-ops with greater needs - a true demonstration of one of our guiding principles, "Cooperation Among Cooperatives."
(Updated 8:00 a.m. 6/17/22) - Another storm swept through the state yesterday evening, causing additional outages in several electric cooperative territories, including some out-of-state co-ops that have been providing mutual aid in Ohio. This means many of those crews will be traveling back to their home states to assist with their own restoration efforts. Assistance is being requested from other states, including Michigan, Tennessee, Maryland, Illinois, and Georgia.
(Updated 7:00 a.m. 6/16/22) - Cooperatives from across the state are continuing to send lineworker crews and resources to those co-ops that were hardest hit by Monday's storm. Additionally, more crews from out of state, including Virginia, are making their way to Ohio to help with restoration efforts. Our prayers for safety are with these crews as they work in high temperatures and humidity, in addition to other hazards - trees, climbing poles, electrical hazards, etc.
(Updated 7:00 a.m. 6/15/22) - Lineworker crews from Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Indiana, and New Jersey have traveled to Ohio to help with power restoration efforts. It's become clear this storm impacted ever electric cooperative in Ohio, in some way. We are thankful to those out-of-state cooperatives and lineworkers who have given their time and resources to help out, and appreciate the ongoing patience of Ohio cooperative members as crews work to restore power.
(Updated 2:00 p.m. 6/14/22) - It has been confirmed that 17 lineworker crews from Kentucky will travel to Ohio to assist with power restoration in several Ohio electric cooperative territories. Ohio is also in contact with crews from Indiana, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia, who may be sending crews to help over the next several days.
(Updated 10:00 a.m. 6/14/22) - Last night and early this morning, storms rolled through Ohio and wreaked havoc on a number of electric cooperatives’ distribution and transmission systems. Approximately 22 out of 25 Ohio cooperatives are currently reporting outages, and are requesting assistance from other co-ops within the state as well as out-of-state co-ops. This may be a 5-7 day event based on current knowledge, at least for the hardest-hit cooperative territories, which include Holmes-Wayne Electric Cooperative and The Frontier Power Company.